Thursday, January 25, 2007

Get Outta There!!!

Warning: Rant!

Can I just say that being pregnant is getting really old. Can I just tell you the things I have tried in the past 48 hours that have NOT sent me into labor?

*Eggplant Parmesan*
*Walking Three Miles*
*Bouncing on the Birth Ball*
*Pressure Points*
*Doing Married People things*

Can I just say that those have not worked. At all. And I have had little stupid contractions for two days that are just wuss contractions. Aaaarg! What's the deal?


Brenda Rae said...

Be Patient!!! For some reason they never go back in...

amy said...

well... you are still 1 1/2 weeks before your due date! that may have something to do with it :0)

i agree with brenda.... be patient. your world is about to be rocked forever & once Sydney is out, she'll be out FOREVER!!