Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pictures and updates


Between interruptions and other responsibilities (changing, feeding, etc.), it's only taken me (Shawn) 4 hours to make this post. Granted, I cherished and enjoyed every interruption!

Here's some pics and info for you:

Here's another pic of her with her beautiful eyes open:

Here's a pic of all 3 of us:

Here's a pic of (newly) Grandpa Ross holding Sydney:

Here's a nice close-up pic to give you some perspective:

Here's Sydney saying "wow, who are you?":

Here's a pic of the 2 leading women in my life:

Keep checking our blog, because I may be able to cut some video together later!

Thanks for everyone who prayed for this bundle of joy, Michelle, or I during the process of Sydney coming to us.

1 comment:

amy said...

for all of you out there who are thinking this... yes, it is wierd that Shawn Ross is now a daddy! (he was in high school when we first met him.)

but...after seeing him with Sydney this afternoon at the hospital while he changed her diaper, got her to stop crying just by holding her, & absolutely adoring her... i have no doubts that he will be a great daddy!