Saturday, December 23, 2006

My husband is so funny. His brain is totally a sponge. I was reading about what to expect in the next few weeks and through I would shock him by a new fact I learned. Conversation went like so:

"Shawn, did you know that in the next week or so I'm going to drop out a MUCUS PLUG?"
He doesn't even look up from what he is doing and says, "Yeah, I knew that."

It's really weird to think that Shawn might know more about the birthing process than I do.

Also, I've noticed something when Shawn grows his hair out. It's totally Bill Murray hair. We need to get him a haircut.


amy said...

you gotta love conversations about MUCUS PLUGS!

so... did you lose yours yet?

Michelle Ross said...

I did, but I didn't know it when I did!
I am now 1.5 centimers and 50% effaced. AND I am walking around as much as I can.

Come out baby!!!

Brenda Rae said...

goodness girl - don't get too excited about it you will never sleep. I had a friend that sat at 80% efaced and 5 cm for 2 wks! I will pray though for a quickie! Try eggplant and s-- :)